Commentarii de religione Divi Iulii vel primordio Christianitatis

Category: Miscellaneous

Die sechste Stunde — Sommer 2015 / Summer 2015

Veröffentlichung im Sommer 2015 (unverb.: 15. August)
Coming in summer 2015 (tentative: 15 August)
German language only (for the moment)


Die sechste Stunde
Synopsen zum historischen Ursprung der Wunder und Naturkatastrophen in der Passion Christi

ISBN 978-3-86935-193-3

208 + XIII Seiten, 13 S/W-Abbildungen, 1 Tabelle

Erhältlich in jedem Buchgeschäft sowie online.
Available in every online and real-world bookstore.

6STD CoverFront 20150312

Image copyright: © 2015 Arne Eickenberg

Interview mit Francesco Carotta zu War Jesus Caesar? (2012)

Gerade ist ein neues Interview mit Francesco Carotta veröffentlicht worden… und anscheinend gibt es demnächst noch einen Nachschlag.

Direct link: Vimeo

Originalveröffentlichung auf dem Aristoblog (Michael Poost)

Für die, die es noch nicht wissen: Das neue Buch War Jesus Caesar? gibt es z.B. beim Verlag Ludwig zu kaufen.

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Blog Watch: No Umpire for the Empire


Our redivivus is really a zealot, it seems. He can’t stop posting; see his newest blunder here (archived). We’re not getting tired of wanna-be savants (see our previous articles here and here), but it’s obvious to us that the man is a lost cause. So here are just a couple of quick final points.

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Sitsim: Julius Caesar’s funeral on the iPhone


Kudos to the developers of a really great iPhone app called Sitsim (short for “situated simulation”), which is being supervised by Gunnar Liestøl, professor at the University of Oslo (above, upper right). The app will deliver augmented reality on mobile devices at historically important sites all around the world. Embedded below is a demonstration video, which includes the funeral ceremony of Julius Caesar as part of the augmented reality on the Forum Romanum in Rome:

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The global debt crisis. Solutions courtesy of Jesus and Caesar

You want to save the world? Avert the imminent global financial collapse predicted for the very near future by experts and snake oil salesmen alike? First you need to take a look at the original Lord’s Prayer. It doesn’t say “forgive us our sins” or “forgive us our trespasses”—it says: “…and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Gospel of Matthew). It is possible that these “debts” were not exclusively meant as financial debts, because the later evangelist Luke did in fact write about “sins”. But within the theory that the historical person behind the Biblical figure Jesus was Julius Caesar, the mention of “debts” and “debtors” is only logical, and therefore to a large extent meant financially, because a partial debt amnesty was a core concept of Caesar’s sweeping economic reforms (leges Iuliae) to solve the devastating financial crisis that had struck the oligarchically ruled and exploited Roman “republic”. Historical Caesarian sources close to the Christianized concept that debts be remitted are for example App. BC 2.13.47 sq., Dio HR 38.7.4, and Suet. Jul. 20.3.2: publicanos remissionem petentis tertia mercedum parte relevavit ac, ne in locatione novorum vectigalium inmoderatius licerentur, propalam monuit. At any rate, the prayer for a remission of debts is perfectly explicable in light of the demand by the Roman populares of Caesar to remit all debts (cf. also Badian 1972, passim, i.a. 102). But Caesar’s macroeconomic revolution went much further.

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Video: Francesco Carotta on the Gospel as a diegetic transposition

The video of an interview held with Francesco Carotta in German, which is embedded below, is apparently an outtake from the documentary feature film The Gospel of Caesar. Here is a paraphrased English transcript of Carotta’s statements on his theory that the Gospel is a diegetic transposition of the Roman sources on Julius Caesar’s Civil War:

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De Codicillo · Incipit

If time allows, this weblog will deal primarily with all issues directly or indirectly related to the deification of Julius Caesar—with special emphasis on the origin of Christianity from the cult of Divus Iulius and of the Gospel as a diegetic transposition of ancient Roman sources.

Wenn es die Zeit erlaubt, werden in diesem Weblog in erster Linie Themen behandelt, die direkt oder indirekt mit der Divinisierung Julius Caesars in Zusammenhang stehen – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Ursprungs des Christentums aus dem Kult des Divus Iulius und des Evangeliums als einer diegetischen Transposition antiker römischer Quellen.